TCSM Bug Sweep - Wiretap Private Investigations
Technical surveillance counter-measures (TCSM), or bug sweeping, is a highly specialized internal investigation technique. This process involves in-depth security and espionage forensics analysis inside your business premises. If you would like to know more about how to hire a detective or investigator to lead a TCSM bug sweep for you today, please contact Whitesell Investigative Services at your earliest convenience.
With the growth of current hostile and competitive corporate environments, the risk of a possible privacy breach cannot be ignored. Although it may seem like something out of a television crime drama, electronic eavesdropping exists today in ever-increasing occurrences. This can be an unsettling thought if your firm or office houses company secrets and personal information. Some corporations and individuals would like to make it their business to discover the details of all your customers, obtain employees’ private information, or read your mailing list.

TCSM Bug Sweep - Computer Network & Cyber Security
Electronic eavesdropping is not the only surveillance method you should worry about. Office workers could be passing along information in clever, undetected ways; listening devices the size of a matchstick head with an antenna the width of a hair can be planted anywhere. These and other sophisticated forms of audio/video surveillance and corporate espionage are more common than you would think.
When you request a TCSM bug sweep from the expert team at Whitesell, they will conduct a thorough counter-surveillance detection strategy by performing sweeps wherever you require one. Your premises, data processing equipment, phone lines, instruments, and networks will be processed thoroughly. A TCSM bug sweep will detect any unwanted listening devices—no matter how small they are. We stay up to date with every bugging and surveillance device available both nationally and internationally. By doing so, we can guarantee your work area and communication devices are completely clean.
Other security weaknesses that may compromise internal communication can be exposed and addressed, to ensure all proprietary and confidential information is secure. If we discover any intrusions that may constitute a breach of your security, we can work with you to make a case against the perpetrators. With in-depth technical and forensic analysis of every possible risk, we can ensure you never have to worry about any such occurrence that could cause you or your firm potential embarrassment.
Call Whitesell Investigative Services today—we can help you with any electronic espionage concerns you may have.